Data research and management intern
Date of issue:23-03-2015 | Closing date (Geneva time zone):06-04-2015 |
Duty station:Geneva Secretariat | Country:SWITZERLAND |
Duty station status: | Accompanied status: |
Duration: | Mission dates: - |
Category of Staff: Internship | Grade: |
Vacancy No:IFRC00518 | |
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world's largest humanitarian organization, with 189 member National Societies. As part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, our work is guided by seven fundamental principles; humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.
Organizational Context
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian network, reaching 150 million people each year through its 189 member National Societies. We act before, during and after disasters and health emergencies to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people. The Federation Secretariat is organized in four Business Groups concerned, respectively, with Programme Services, National Society and Knowledge Development, Humanitarian Values and Diplomacy, Governance and Management Services. The Programme Services Division has the lead responsibility to deliver on Aim 1 of Strategy 2020 while providing substantive support to achieve Aims 2 and 3. The Disaster and Crisis Management Department has been created to re-align existing capacities to respond to a changing disaster environment. The Disaster and Crisis Management Department is tasked with increasing and improving organisational preparedness for response at all levels of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent in order to save lives and livelihoods and support emergency response and post disaster recovery while paving the way towards sustainable development (LRRD). The DREF is the International Federation’s Fund for supporting immediate disaster response by the National Societies and is managed by the Secretariat, with one senior officer and one senior assistant in charge of the everyday management of the Fund in Geneva, and an officer in Africa Zone office supporting use of DREF by African National Societies. It provides allocations as loans or grants depending on the scale of the response operation and has an annual budget of around CHF 20 million, with funding contributed by governments, institutional, corporate and private donors through an annual plan.
The DREF was set up in 1985 by the IFRC and has therefore been supporting National Societies to deliver immediate assistance to people affected by disasters for 30 years. The Secretariat, supported by the DREF advisory group which is made up of representatives of 6 partner National Societies representing the major donors to DREF, is organizing an event to celebrate the 30 year anniversary in September 2015. One of the deliverables agreed by the working group, set up to support the organisation of the event, is a chronological history of the use of DREF.
Financial data on DREF operations has been kept since 1994, but before this date only paper records were kept. The data research and management intern will research and document the data available on DREF allocations made since 1985 and document all allocations in excel format to allow exploitation of the data and its use in a chronological history of the DREF, with the aim to provide factual information of RC/RC disasters response over the last 30 years and drive evidence-based research and analysis on principled humanitarian action and silent disasters.
Job Duties and ResponsibilitiesFinancial data on DREF operations has been kept since 1994, but before this date only paper records were kept. The data research and management intern will research and document the data available on DREF allocations made since 1985 and document all allocations in excel format to allow exploitation of the data and its use in a chronological history of the DREF, with the aim to provide factual information of RC/RC disasters response over the last 30 years and drive evidence-based research and analysis on principled humanitarian action and silent disasters.
• Carry out research in existing archives and collect data on all the DREF allocations since 1985 and record in an excel spreadsheet
• Exploit information in financial reports and add information on allocations made to the record
• Take data from existing lists of allocations and harmonize with the chronological record
• Develop statistics based on the data recorded
• Collect and record further information on identified operations and/or type of response through research in the operations files in the archives
• Present the information and statistics in a final report
Education• Exploit information in financial reports and add information on allocations made to the record
• Take data from existing lists of allocations and harmonize with the chronological record
• Develop statistics based on the data recorded
• Collect and record further information on identified operations and/or type of response through research in the operations files in the archives
• Present the information and statistics in a final report
University graduate or under-graduate, required.
Experience of carrying out research projects, required.
Proven experience in data collection and analysis, required.
Knowledge, skills and languagesProven experience in data collection and analysis, required.
Excellent data analysis and use of excel or other data management tools, required.
Good written communication skills, required.
Experience of, or proven interest in humanitarian assistance, preferred.
Fluently spoken and written English, required.
Good command of another IFRC official language (French, Spanish or Arabic), preferred.
Competencies and valuesGood written communication skills, required.
Experience of, or proven interest in humanitarian assistance, preferred.
Fluently spoken and written English, required.
Good command of another IFRC official language (French, Spanish or Arabic), preferred.
The Federation is an equal opportunity employer
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